
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Opportunity Abounds For Your Creative Content To Find An Audience

Perhaps the greatest benefit of the Internet is that it essentially levels the access-to-information playing field for all. Anyone with the desire to educate themselves can now easily tap into this vast resource universe if they simply have the means to do so. As connected mobile devices become cheaper and more widely available by the day, virtually anyone, regardless of their geographic location, education, or socio-economic status, can gain authority on any subject they wish. This creates a world of opportunity where none existed before. Throughout history, access to information has been available mainly only to those who already enjoyed a certain level of education, status, power or money so anyone who wasn’t born into these blessings was out of luck, regardless of their desire to better their lot in life. This situation is no longer the case.

It’s clear that for the common person, the Internet gives them access to a world of opportunity where none existed before. I make that point to illustrate in comparison the huge impact self-publishing and the ever-expanding world of distribution have on creative content producers. It used to be that, regardless of your talent or initiative, if your book, music, film, etc., was going to be read, heard or seen, you were at the mercy of those who ruled the channels of distribution. At the same time, those channels were narrow and therefore significantly limited your reach and audience. Now, self-publishing and distribution have leveled that playing field and anyone with a creative spark and some elbow grease can share their art across the globe without having to rely on already being famous. Without this breakthrough, it’s likely that many unknown creators would quit before they even started. If you are not already well established in your industry, you have no access to your audience so why bother putting your blood, sweat, and tears into a project? Now, it’s possible anyone can become someone in his or her creative field.